The LyndonTechnique is a handbook for actors to help them land auditions, written by Amy
Lyndon. Amy Lyndon has been an Actress
for over 20 years. She is a Director
& Filmmaker, Casting Director and had been a Personal Manager for 9 years.
This handbook has 15 guidelines that teaches actors how to breakdown scenes
to master them. Amy points out key
aspects of dissecting a “sides” (a script or a scene) and nail it in an
audition for any level of acting.
A few points
that she makes:
- · Read it like a book 10 times
- · Write in one sentence what the story is about
- · Find your character’s emotional state at the top of the scene
- · The key line is the emotional spine of your character
- · Know what you are saying in every line
- · Take your time and finish the complete thought
- · Map out your emotions
- · Do not try to re-write to script
- · Remain humble
This handbook is
a great guide for someone who cannot afford an acting technique class but who
wants to begin going on auditions.
“The Actor must approach acting like an
Olympic Athlete. The more you practice
the necessary skills, the more you will book.
When a high level of discipline and concentration on the work is
achieved, you will see incredible results.”
Amy Lyndon