Thursday, November 28, 2013

Life's Journey

The entertainment industry is difficult to infiltrate, there are many disappointments and rejections before there is a "yes".  You must stay motivated; some call it “paying your dues”, never give up.

In this life, one must fine things to keep them going, motivated to accomplish various things.  The inspiration may come from others, a song, poetry, a speech; whatever that fuels that fire within.  Steve Jobs gave a commencement speech at Stanford University that I find befitting for every person going through life’s journey in pursuit of a dream.

He inspired me with the deep simplistic message of his quotes.  He encourages me to stay open for knowledge and ideas.  Treading in unfamiliar waters as I am doing with talent management can sometimes be clouded with uncertainty, for me motivation is the driving force.

The Beginning:  Steve Jobs dropped out of college that led him to a Calligraphy class. The skills obtained from Calligraphy helped him to develop the unmatched MAC computer.  Of course he did not know that Calligraphy would later play an important part in the development of the MAC, he could not piece this together until later.

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect the dots looking backwards.”

The Middle:  He spoke of love & loss that catapulted him to the next level of his success.  Steve’s passion was his love for making computers.  After getting fired from Apple, Steve found new ventures that were as monumental as the creation of the MAC computer.  The loss propelled him to start his own animation company, Pixar.  Pixar is the most successful animation studio in the world, where he helped create the first computer animated feature film “Toy Story”.  The message that I got from this is to embrace change, loss and hardship; this can be the start of something wonderful, if nothing else you change and grow from those experiences.

“You got to find what you love.”  The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” “Keep looking, don’t settle.”

The End:  Everyone has heard the saying, “life is short and that you should live everyday as if it is your last.”  Often times we hinder ourselves by what people may think or expect of us.  Steve Jobs beautifully summed up how one can stay motivated to the very end. 

“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to loose, you are already naked there is no reason not to follow your heart.” 

Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. Have the courage, your heart and intuition somehow already know what you truly want to become everything else is secondary.”

“Stay hungry, Stay foolish.”

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